Regular breaks during CA exam preparation are crucial to maintaining mental peace and avoiding burnout. Continuous studying without any breaks can lead to stress, anxiety, and fatigue. Therefore, regular intervals can help refresh your mind, reduce stress, increase productivity and help you in achieving your goal.

How often to take breaks?

Taking a break of 10-15 minutes is recommended after every hour of study. This break can help you stretch your legs, grab a snack or a drink, and recharge your mind. Taking a more extended break of 30-45 minutes is essential after every 3-4 hours of study. This more extended break can help you rejuvenate your mind, engage in a hobby, or take a short nap.

What to do during breaks?

During breaks, engaging in activities that can help you relax and refresh your mind is crucial. Here are some activities that you can do during breaks:

  1. Take a walk: Take a short walk outside to get some fresh air and stretch your legs.
  2. Listen to music: Listen to your favourite soothing music to help you relax and unwind.
  3. Engage in a hobby: Engage in a hobby you enjoy, such as painting, cooking, or gardening.
  4. Talk to someone: Talk to a friend or family member to take your mind off the exam preparation.
  5. Yoga: Yoga calms your mind and energises your body.
  6. Meditate: Meditation helps you to increase your focus and concentration, which can further help you to study efficiently.
  7. Take a power nap: Take 20-30 minutes to recharge your mind and body.

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